1. T. Ji#, Y. Li#, X. Deng, A. Y. Rwei, A. Offen, S. Hall, W. Zhang, C. Zhao, M. Mehta, D. S. Kohane*. Delivery of local anaesthetics by a self-assembled supramolecular system mimicking their interactions with a sodium channel. Nat. Biomed. Eng. 2021, 5, 1099-1109. 2. W. Zhang, T. Ji, Y. Li, Y. Zheng, M. Mehta, C. Zhao, A. Liu, D.S. Kohane*. Light-triggered release of conventional local anesthetics from a macromolecular prodrug for on-demand local anesthesia. Nat. Commun. 2020, 11, 2323. 3. J. Miao, X. Zhou, T. Ji, G. Chen*. NF-κB p65-dependent transcriptional regulation of histone deacetylase 2 contributes to the chronic constriction injury-induced neuropathic pain via the microRNA-183/TXNIP/NLRP3 axis. J. Neuroinflammation 2020, 17, 225. 4. A. Y. Rwei, B. Wang, T. Ji, D. S. Kohane*. Predicting the tissue depth for remote triggering of drug delivery systems. J. Control Release 2018, 286, 55-63. 5. A. Y. Rwei, B. Y. Wang, T. Ji, C. Zhan, D. S. Kohane*. Enhanced triggering of local anesthetic particles by photosensitization and photothermal effect using a common wavelength. Nano Lett. 2017, 11, 7138-7145. 6. J. Miao, Z. Chen, Y. Wu, Q. Hu, T. Ji. Sp1 Inhibits PGC-1α via HDAC2-catalyzed histone deacetylation in chronic constriction injury-induced neuropathic pain. ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2022, doi.org/10.1021/acschemneuro.2c00440. 7. C. Zhao, A. Liu, C. M. Santamaria, A. Shomorony, T. Ji, T. Wei, A. Gordon, H. Elofsson, M. Mehta, R.Yang, D. S. Kohane*. Polymer-tetrodotoxin conjugates to induce prolonged duration local anesthesia with minimal toxicity. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 2566. 8. Y. Wang, A. Barhoumi, R. Tong, W. Wang, T. Ji, X. Deng, L. Li, S. A. Lyon, G. Reznor, D. Zurakowski, D. S. Kohane*. BaTiO3-core Au-shell nanoparticles for photothermal therapy and bimodal imaging. Acta Biomater. 2018, 72, 287-294. 9. Q. Liu, C. Santamaria, T. Wei, C. Zhao, T. Ji, T. Yang, A. Shomorony, B. Wang, D. S. Kohane*. Hollow silica nanoparticles penetrate the peripheral nerve and enhance the nerve blockade from tetrodotoxin. Nano Lett. 2018, 18, 32–37. 抗肿瘤纳米药物功效受限的原因之一是恶性实体肿瘤组织具有致密的间质,其塑造利于肿瘤生长的微环境,并阻碍药物在肿瘤组织中的渗透。另一方面,实体肿瘤具有极高的异质性,靶向治疗对于受体缺失的肿瘤细胞类型束手无策。针对肿瘤治疗面临的这两方面瓶颈问题,课题组以肿瘤间质成分为靶点,并利用微环境理化性质来设计纳米药物,重塑肿瘤微环境,改善肿瘤异质性,提升化疗及免疫治疗的效力。
1. L. Zhang#, Z. Li#, F. Wang#, Q. Chen, M. Zu, X. Li, J. Wan, X. Yao, X. Lou, Y. Shi, Y. Sheng, M. Wang, J. Yang,X. Wang, Z. Qin*, T. Ji*. Integrin-enriched membrane nanocarrier for the specific delivery of RGD‐modified relaxin analog to inhibit pancreatic cancer liver metastasis through reversing hepatic stellate cell activation. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 32, 2208404. 2. T. T. Wheeler#, P. Cao#, M. D. Ghouri, T. Ji*, G. Nie, YL. Zhao*. Nanotechnological strategies for prostate cancer imaging and diagnosis. Sci. China Chem. 2022, 65, 1498-1514. 3. T. Ji#, J. Lang#, B. Ning#, F. Qi#, H. Wang, Y. Zhang, R. Zhao, X. Yang, L. Zhang, W. Li, X. Shi, Z. Qin*, Y. Zhao*, G. Nie*. Enhanced natural killer cell immunotherapy by rationally assembling Fc dragments of antibodies onto tumor membranes. Adv. Mater. 2019, 31, 1804395. 4. J. Lang, X. Zhao, Y. Qi, Y. Zhang, X. Han, Y. Ding, J. Guan, T. Ji*, Y. Zhao*, G. Nie*. Reshaping prostate tumor microenvironment to suppress metastasis via cancer-associated fibroblast inactivation with peptide-assembly-based nanosystem. ACS Nano 2019,13, 12357-12371. 5. T. Ji#, J. Lang#, J. Wang, R. Cai, Y. Zhang, F. Qi, L. Zhang, X. Zhao, W. Wu, J. Hao, Z. Qin*, Y. Zhao*, G.Nie*. Designing liposomes to suppress extracellular matrix expression to enhance drug penetration and pancreatic tumor therapy. ACS Nano 2017, 11, 8668-8678. 6. T. Ji#, Y. Zhao#, Y. Ding#, J. Wang, R. Zhao, J. Lang, H. Qin, X. Liu, J. Shi, N. Tao, Z. Qin, G. Nie, YL. Zhao*. Transformable peptide nanocarriers for expeditious drug release and effective cancer therapy via cancer-associated fibroblasts activation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 1050-1055. 7. T. Ji, S. Li, Y. Zhang, J. Lang, Y. Ding, et al. An MMP-2 responsive liposome integrating anti-fibrosis and chemotherapeutic drugs for enhanced drug perfusion and efficacy in pancreatic cancer. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8, 3438-3445. 8. T. Ji, Y. Zhao, Y. Ding, G. Nie*. Using nanomaterials to target and regulate the tumor microenvironment: diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 3508-3525. 9. T. Ji, Y. Zhao, J. Wang, X. Zheng, Y. Tian, et al. Tumor fibroblast specific activation of hybrid ferritin nanocage-based optical probe for tumor microenvironment imaging. Small 2013, 9, 2427-2431. 利用超分子组装技术构建药物递送体系,有利于实现药物高效、便捷的装载。同时,将功能型基元引入组装体设计,可赋予组装体靶向、环境响应等功能。本课题组致力于超分子组装基元(分子)及组装体系的设计及构筑,为药物递送体系的设计提供新思路。
1. L. Zhang#, Z. Li#, F. Wang#, Q. Chen, M. Zu, X. Li, J. Wan, X. Yao, X. Lou, Y. Shi, Y. Sheng, M. Wang, J. Yang, X. Wang, Z. Qin*, T. Ji*. Integrin-enriched membrane nanocarrier for the specific delivery of RGD‐modified relaxin analog to inhibit pancreatic cancer liver metastasis through reversing hepatic stellate cell activation. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 32, 2208404. 2. T. Ji#, Y. Li#, X. Deng, A. Y. Rwei, A. Offen, S. Hall, W. Zhang, C. Zhao, M. Mehta, D. S. Kohane*. Delivery of local anaesthetics by a self-assembled supramolecular system mimicking their interactions with a sodium channel. Nat. Biomed. Eng. 2021, 5, 1099-1109. 3. D. Liu, B. Deng, Z. Liu, B. Ma, X. Leng, D. Kong, T. Ji*, L. Liu*. Enhanced antitumor immune responses via a self-assembled carrier-free nanovaccine. Nano Lett. 2021, 21, 3965-3973. 4. Z. Lian, T. Ji*. Functional peptide-based drug delivery systems. J. Mater. Chem. B 2020, 8, 6517-6529. (“Emerging Investigators2020” invited). 5. T. Ji#, J. Lang#, J. Wang, R. Cai, Y. Zhang, F. Qi, L. Zhang, X. Zhao, W. Wu, J. Hao, Z. Qin*, Y. Zhao*, G.Nie*. Designing liposomes to suppress extracellular matrix expression to enhance drug penetration and pancreatic tumor therapy. ACS Nano 2017, 11, 8668-8678. 6. T. Ji#, Y. Zhao#, Y. Ding#, J. Wang, R. Zhao, J. Lang, H. Qin, X. Liu, J. Shi, N. Tao, Z. Qin, G. Nie, YL. Zhao*. Transformable peptide nanocarriers for expeditious drug release and effective cancer therapy via cancer-associated fibroblasts activation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 1050-1055. 7. T. Ji#, Y. Ding#, Y. Zhao*, J. Wang, H. Qin, X. Liu, et al. Peptide assemblies integration of fibroblast targeting and cell penetration features for enhanced antitumor drugs delivery. Adv. Mater. 2015, 27, 1865-1873. 8.Y. Ding#, T. Ji#, Y. Zhao, X. Zhao, R. Zhao, et al. A tumor microenvironment activable peptide self-assembly as tumor angiogenesis and metastasis antagonist. Mol. Cancer Ther. 2015, 14, 2390-2400. 9. Y. Zhao#, T. Ji#, H. Wang, S. Li, et al. Self-assembled peptide nanoparticles as tumor microenvironment activatable probes for tumor targeting and imaging. J. Control Release 2014, 177, 11-19. 10. Y. Wang, C.H. Liu, T. Ji, M. Mehta, W. Wang, E. Marino, J. Chen, D. S. Kohane*. Intravenous treatment of choroidal neovascularization by photo-targeted nanoparticles. Nat. Commun. 2019, 10, 804. |